
MedLab Middle East 2019: A vintage edition!

The largest medical convention in the Middle East is held each year in Dubai. And it is one of the largest trade shows in the world.


The 64th edition of the ISTH SSC Meeting was a real success for Stago & Tcoag!

This year’s annual ISTH SSC Meeting was held from 18 to 21 July 2018 in the very beautiful city of Dublin. These meetings are always eagerly awaited in the Thrombosis and Haemostasis community....


New Destiny Max software unveiled in Argentina

For the launch of Destiny Max’s latest software, the Tcoag & Other Ranges Support team organised an on-site workshop on the premises of its Argentinian distributor, Medica-Tec. The event was a first for Tcoag, and it brought together the brand’s main Latin American distributors.


MEDLAB Congress in Dubai

Previously part of the “Arab Health” exhibition, which covers every aspect of health from hospital furniture to therapeutic or diagnostic tools and pharmaceuticals, MEDLAB is now a standalone exhibition. MEDLAB has been held in Dubai since its inception and is one of the largest exhibitions in the world devoted purely to medical diagnostics.


APSTH 2017

Its eighth congress of APSTH (Asian-Pacific Society on Thrombosis and Hemostasis) was held in Taipei, Taiwan from 6 to 8 October, 2016.


1st Tcoag Asian Distributor Summit

On October, 5th 2016, Tcoag held its first distributor summit in Taipei.


A DT100 at the end of the world!

Ushuaia is located at the southernmost point of South America, 2,370 km away from Argentina’s capital of Buenos Aires. It is here, in this city, that the regional hospital recently acquired its first DT100™.


XI Congreso Argentino de Hemostasia y Trombosis y Curso Educacional ISTH

The eleventh edition of the Argentinian Congress on Haemostasis and Thrombosis organised by the CAHT (Argentinian Cooperative of Haemostasis and Thrombosis) group was held on the 24th to the 27th of September 2014 at the Convention Centre of the Catholic University of Argentina in Buenos Aires, by the famous estuary Rio Del Plata.
